343GS - Old school tricking lives
3rd Person (AKA- WLT) has released a couple of short videos cataloguing his escapades through 343 Guilty Spark. He uses a unique loading zone trick (pioneered way back in the day by Ms. Man) to reach the bottom of the elevator shaft. Nicely done. This type of 'hm, let me think about this' type of tricking is what I like. There's also a second vid where he again goes shaft diving (hey now...), and you'll want to download them both. You can find both of the threads below.
http://ducain.org/hihforum/showthread.php?t=7336http://ducain.org/hihforum/showthread.php?t=6739Very nice job to this young feller- good to see him back in action, and good to see more Halo 1 fun. Has this been done before? At this late date, who knows. The thing is, it's cool enough not to care. :)