This week's Lottery Winners: n1stanly29 and MyNameIsEric!
It's been two weeks since I sent out congratulatory private messages thoroughly doused with my trademarked wit. Unfortunetly, they've been too busy posing their own cats for caturday pics to respond. That's right... your somewhat weekly fix of interviews will have to wait until next week.
If you haven't entered the lottery yet, you can do so by posting here ONCE!!
This isn't a complete loss though, for I have shamelessly used google images to bring you their progress so far:


Eric messaged me on xbox live saying that he would like you to give me the custom avy. I CAN GET PRUF!!!!
T3h Boar says:

Eric messaged me on xbox live saying that he would like you to give me the custom avy. I CAN GET PRUF!!!!
OMG ME TOO!!! HAXZ!!??!?! :eek:

I can haz recon armor now? :confused:
UPDATE- Eric just died and his last words were give boar custom avy.
That last (bottom) picture is disgusting, that man is very cruel! I mean look how much pressure he is putting on that cat, he is squeezing the cat unnaturally hard (look how his arm is flexed), and he is pushing that helmet down with a lot of force. that is a bad man.
djDAP says:

That last (bottom) picture is disgusting, that man is very cruel! I mean look how much pressure he is putting on that cat, he is squeezing the cat unnaturally hard (look how his arm is flexed), and he is pushing that helmet down with a lot of force. that is a bad man.

Cry more?
Actually, he's holding the cat up by the chest with his right arm (hense the flex), and holding the helmet with the left. Not a bad man atoll. Might be a little bit of a douche with that tattoo on his arm, but certainly not a terrible human being =o
im here now i PM'd u the Interview but its late i guess:)
MyNameIsEric says:

im here now i PM'd u the Interview but its late i guess:)

You should be all set tommorow when I work my magic