This week's Lottery Winner: retardedpenguin!
Another penguin-related lottery winner. Are the arctic flightless birds going to band together? Will we be dominated by all those tiny tuxedos? Top men say no.

Read all about waddling shenanigans here

If you haven't entered the lottery yet, you can do so by posting here ONCE!!

yo i hope i win
I got to tell ya, I thought this was mine to lose. I guess I'll have better *luck*
next time. :)
Zhimmy says:

I got to tell ya, I thought this was mine to lose. I guess I'll have better *luck*
next time. :)

It never even occured to me that I would win, but then I got that PM from ghost...
(I like your location btw. Megan Fox is quite the hottie.)

//King of Penguins
hola peeps
I never thought I would win, and kinda forgot about it a while back.