Top of the MAC, Revisited dantheman87 Style
This video is what tricking is all about. Ms. Man and Frogblast made it to the top of the MAC a long time ago, but dantheman87 wanted to try it for himself. Along the way he comes up with a clever process to make it much easier on co-op, and the video has the tutorial built in.

This is an example of the kind of vids we want to see more of here at HIH. New content, clever, fun, and educational. Now any of us can reach the MAC with relative ease! So fantastic work dan, you da man. That ending was an awesome first, for sure. Do not miss this vid, it's hardcore to the classic extreme.

EDIT BY DUKE: I just have to comment on this video. THIS is exactly what I love to see (echoing POTS here). Great content, every step shown clearly, tight and unobtrusive editing. I just loved it. Bravo. I'll say again (just to get everyone grumpy), can you imagine what would have been lost if only 3 seconds of the final launch had been included in some massive tricktage? You see what we gain by videos like this? Great job Dan.

Woot for oldschool!
*Shakes POTS's hand enthusiasticaly* Yay, thanks bunchies! Danny deserves the Front Page. =D
Terminator says:

*Shakes POTS's hand enthusiasticaly* Yay, thanks bunchies! Danny deserves the Front Page. =D

LOL. dantheman87 is real good at this type of stuff.
I've loved Dan's stuff since the very beginning.

Hes great at what he does. :)

Thanks bunches POTS. I know how busy you are (well, I have a slight idea of how busy you are) and I appreciate you taking the time to write that up.

Dude front page sweet.
A wonderful achievement by none other than the man himself...Dantheman87!
This video is one for the history folks, because not only was the tutorial precise and clear, but imposing such a burden on himself, walking the floors of the Mac gun, Dan has accomplished something many tricksters has tried for years.

Excemplar job Dan. I can only expect the best from you. ;)
Dude.... sweet.... lol
You are gonna add it to your archive, arn't ya daddeh?
You Pwn all!
Terminator says:

You are gonna add it to your archive, arn't ya daddeh?

Yeah, I guess I should. I'll have to pester Yasha to do it for me.
i don't do the skulls... but i did find this trik interesting :)
nice quality suxored :)
vshields ash says:

i don't do the skulls... but i did find this trik interesting :)
nice quality suxored :)

Skulls are sometimes a necessary evil. But I have to agree, the skulls do de-value the trick a bit.

I love your honesty ash, yer a unique one. :)